Friday 15 October 2010

Showcase: Nikon Small World

Nikon Small World is "regarded as the leading forum for showcasing the beauty and complexity of life as seen through the light microscope" or so their website says. The 2010 Competition, as all the previous years, features an amazing insight into microscopic life and photography, showing us images of things that, apart from being impossible to recognize, we would probably never get the chance to see this close up.
While the winner was Jonas King's Anopheles Gambiae (mosquito) heart, I must say my favourite was second place Dr. Hideo Otsuna with his photo of a 5-year old zebrafish head. It might just be because of the fluorescent colours (I know I'm a little kid inside), which a link on the site explains the process used to gain, or the fact that this explosion of a raver's dream is actually a very detailed photo of a fish's head which makes it even more interesting, but this is definitely a photo I could look at for hours. It's unearthly, colourful, interesting, detailed and, absurdly, something that actually exists.

Hideo Otsuna, 5-year old zebrafish head

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